Dec 2, 2011

Sports Bets: Treating Betting Like a Business

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve considered making a living out of sportsbetting.

You have probably already gotten your feet wet, placed bets, won bets and lost bets too. Most likely you have mostly won your bets or you would be foolish to consider doing this for rent, bread and butter.
But there’s a big step going from winning bets to making bets for a living. The chief difference lies in the approach to betting and the way we have to acknowledge risk.

As a sportsbetting business man/woman we have to mimic other more traditional businesses. We have to acknowledge the fact that some bets will win and some bets will lose. We have to acknowledge the fact that our edge is probably not more than 10-15% (at the most) in the long run. Using this information, we can detach

ourselves from the thrill of gambling and turn sportsbetting into a numbers game.

Secondly, we have to realize that this is work.Get up in the morning and go to work is what it is all about. The best cappers in the business know this and have a work ethic to keep them consistently ahead of the pack. How you choose to do your betting analysis is up to you since there are many ways to develop an edge. You can use mathematical approaches to find trends, you can collect information from all sources possible or you can do a combination of any amount of methods. Of course you can also use trusted cappers. We must advice caution in relying only on cappers since there are many shady operations out there and if you want to reach the amount of bets per week that is necessary to maintain a decent living, you are likely to need more than one capper.

Finally be patient. Unless you have a big bankroll already, you will need to start small and grow your bankroll systematically. If you’re smart about it, it will happen. If you try to chase losses or otherwise go off the reservation, the only professional gamblers that will make a living off your money are the bookmakers.

Next week we will delve deeper into the issue of sportsbetting money management. So stay tuned and please share this on facebook and twitter. We appreciate your support, that’s why we give back so much free content and so many free picks.

Sharky's Sports is a good place to start. You’ll get honest picks found through hard work and lots of free knowledge to get you on the right path.

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